Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions of Use

Please read the Terms and Conditions of Use carefully before using this website.

Welcome to the Arystone Properties website (“the Site”). The objectives of the website include providing consumers with access to residential and commercial property listings and real estate related information. In order to promote a safe and non-offensive environment for all visitors to the website, we have established these “Terms of Use and Conditions”. By accessing any area of the website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below. If you do not agree to all of the Terms of Use, do not use this website.

Privacy Information about you is subject to our Privacy Policy. For more information, please review our full Privacy Policy.

Through the Arystone Properties Site, any person (“User”) may find various services and content related to the search for real estate (hereinafter, “Services”).

  1. Any person using the Site (“USER”) unconditionally accepts each and every one of these Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms of Use”), their modifications and supplemental documents and agrees to comply with them without objection. If you do not agree with any of the Terms of Use, do not use this Site. It is expressly stated that these Terms and Conditions of Use are mandatory and binding.
  2. The Site reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify, alter or otherwise update these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time. Modifications shall be effective as of the time indicated; otherwise, they shall be deemed to be effective immediately. By using this Site after such modifications, you agree to be bound by such modifications, alterations or updates to the Terms and Conditions of Use, without any right to make any claim in connection therewith.
  3. Certain content accessed through the Site may be subject to specific rules that regulate and complement these Terms and Conditions of Use, for which reason USERS are advised to take specific notice of them.
  4. Conditions of access and use of the Site:
  5. The use of any Service of the Site constitutes the condition of User of the same.
  6. Access to and use of the Site does not require prior subscription or registration by the User. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the use of some Services offered through the Site requires User registration.
  7. In order to register on the Site, the User must complete the Registration Form with his/her personal information, indicating an e-mail address and a password. The User undertakes to select, use and keep his/her password diligently and to keep them secret and protected from third parties.
  8. Use of the Site and its Services.

The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of the contents and/or Services offered by the Site shall be at the User’s sole risk and/or responsibility.

The User undertakes to use the Site and all its content and Services in accordance with the law, morality, public order, these Terms of Use, if applicable. Likewise, the User undertakes to make appropriate use of the Services and/or content of the Site and not to use them for illicit or criminal activities that infringe the rights of third parties and/or infringe the regulations on intellectual and industrial property, or any other applicable legal regulations. In particular, the User undertakes not to transmit, introduce, disseminate or make available to third parties any type of material and information (data, content, messages, drawings, sound and image files, photographs, software, etc.) that are contrary to the law, morality, public order, these Terms and Conditions of Use and, where applicable, the Specific Conditions that may be applicable.

By way of example, and in no way limiting or excluding, the User undertakes to:

  1. Not to enter or disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic or terrorist nature or that violates human rights.
  2. Not to enter or disseminate on the network data programmes (viruses and malicious software) likely to cause damage to the computer systems of the access provider, its suppliers or third party users of the Internet network.
  3. Not to enter, disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that constitutes unlawful or unfair advertising.
  4. Do not transmit unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional material, “junk mail”, “chain letters”, “pyramid schemes”, or any other form of solicitation, except in those areas (such as commercial spaces) that are exclusively designed for this purpose.
  5. Not to enter or disseminate any false, ambiguous, untimely or inaccurate information and content in a manner that misleads recipients of the information.
  6. Not to impersonate other Users by using their registration codes for the different Services and/or contents of the Site.
  7. Not to introduce or disseminate content that is contrary to the honour, personal and family privacy or self-image of individuals.
  8. Not to enter, disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that violates the intellectual and industrial property rights, patents, trademarks or copyrights belonging to the owners of the Site or to third parties.
  9. Not to enter, disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that violates the secrecy of communications and personal data legislation.
  10. Do not target bidders by sending spam, or directly offer, publish or create a personal database of third parties.
  11. Use any mechanism, software or routine to prevent or attempt to prevent the proper working of this Site or any activity being conducted on this Site.
  12. Not to take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of this Site.
  13. Not to disclose or share your password with any third party or use your password for any unauthorised purpose.
  14. Do not attempt to decipher, decompile or otherwise obtain the source code of any software program comprising or constituting a part of this Site.
  15. Services in particular:

Please note that the Site features, including some but not limited to, the following Services:

  1. Search for properties to buy, sell or lease
  2. Navigation
  3. Contact an Associate or Assigned Agent
  4. Share Notices
  5. Use Financial Calculator
  6. Publish Properties
  7. Register as User, Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Agency, Developer (coming soon)

Publish properties:

It is expressly stated that the User may post Notices on the Site following the 2×3 steps:

  1. Fill in the form with information about the property.
  2. Send photos and videos to the e-mail: info@arystonepr.com and if they are “heavy”, send them via wetransfer.com.
  3. Communicate the application and the fulfilment of prerequisites to management.

The published property will be advertised on all Arystone Properties associated websites at local, provincial, national and international level. And other digital media, internet, websites, real estate portals, e-mail, personalised mailings, social networks on the internet, videos, graphics, newspapers, specialised magazines, with international, national, provincial and local scope and/or in all other media that THE AUTHORISED PERSON believes appropriate for the best exposure and sale of the property. He/she is also authorised to place on the public highway the sales poster or posters (optional) of the Real Estate Company “Arystone Properties”. The costs of promotion and advertising shall be borne by “Arystone Properties”.

  • By registering and/or browsing the Site, the USER and/or visitor provides personal information, giving their free, express and informed consent for it to be collected and stored directly in our database, being electronically protected, using the most complete and effective computer security mechanisms for the protection of information to keep it in total confidentiality, in accordance with the data protection law in Spain is the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union, which came into force on 25 May 2018.
  • The USER is responsible for the proper use of the Site, expressly undertaking to avoid any action that may damage systems, equipment or services accessible directly or indirectly through the Internet, including the intentional congestion of links or systems and in accordance with the present conditions.
  • It is expressly stated that the Site may only and exclusively be used by persons over 18 years of age, and persons over 18 years of age must refrain from using the Site.
  • All the information about the properties published and/or offered by the Site is provided by THE USER, being the sole responsibility of the same such information as well as that relating to its marketing.
  • Arystone Properties is not responsible for the publication, truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided on the Site, nor for any changes that may occur.
  • It is expressly stated that the Site reviews the content of the Notices, providing only and exclusively a space for their publication. In this regard, THE USER shall hold Arystone Properties harmless.
  • The USER is responsible for the proper use of the service, expressly undertaking to avoid any action that may damage systems, equipment or services accessible directly or indirectly through the Internet, including the intentional congestion of links or systems and in accordance with the present conditions.
  • The USER assumes full liability towards Arystone Properties and third parties for any damages that may occur as a result of the USER’s own actions, those of his/her dependents or third parties connected through the USER and those resulting from non-compliance with laws or regulations, other illegal acts or misuse of the service, and the USER shall indemnify and hold Arystone Properties harmless against any claim for payment that may be applicable.
  • Arystone Properties shall have the right to extend or improve the services provided without prior notice, as well as to alter the means or routes used for the provision of the service.
  • Arystone Properties’ temporary failure to exercise its rights hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of such rights, which may be exercised at any time.
  • Arystone Properties shall not be responsible for the adequacy of the services it provides to the USER’s actual needs.
  • Arystone Properties shall not be liable for any damages caused by the fault or wilful misconduct of third parties for the provision of the services on which they rely.
  • Arystone Properties shall not be liable for any damage, alteration of information or interference to the system or networks resulting from the actions of third parties.
  • Arystone Properties shall not be liable for the performance of the service to the extent that the facilities necessary for its proper operation are dependent on third parties. This includes, but is not limited to, routing errors, loss of information or data, unplanned service interruptions that are not attributable to Arystone Properties.
  • Arystone Properties shall not be responsible for the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness and usefulness of data, programs and information of any kind transmitted over its networks. The content of such information shall be the sole responsibility of those exchanging it (sender and recipient).
  • Arystone Properties shall not be liable for misuse of the facilities and services provided, due to power outages or scheduled interruptions or any other failure that is not attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Arystone Properties.
  • Arystone Properties shall not be liable for any damages, including incidental or force majeure damages, caused to the USER’s equipment, facilities or personnel.
  • Arystone Properties shall not be liable to the USER for any damages caused to the USER as a result of the actions of other USERS or third parties and those resulting from the failure of third parties or other USERS to comply with laws or regulations or other unlawful acts or misuse of the service by third parties or USERS.
  • The products, goods, properties and/or services offered and/or published on Arystone Properties are not guaranteed by Arystone Properties, and those who provide them assume all responsibility for the quality, redhibitory defects, eviction and/or any loss or damage that may be suffered in relation to the contracts formalised by the USERS of Arystone Properties.
  • Statements:

Users expressly understand, accept and agree that:

  1. The Site may contain errors.
  2. The Site shall not be liable for any damages, direct or indirect, including, without limitation, damages resulting from loss and/or damage to information and/or use of the Site.
  3. The use of the Site and the Internet in general implies the assumption of risks of potential damage to the USER’s software and hardware. For this reason, the terminal equipment from which the USER accesses the Site may be attacked and damaged by hackers who may even access the information contained in the USER’s terminal equipment, extract it, remove it and/or damage it. The USER waives the right to make claims for these reasons.
  4. The exchange of information via the Internet carries the risk that such information may be captured by a third party. The Site cannot be held responsible for the consequences that such a hypothesis may have for the USER.
  5. The Site is under no obligation to retain any information that it has made available to USERS or that has been sent to it by USERS.
  6. Trademarks, Copyrights and Restrictions:
  7. This Site is controlled and operated by Arystone Properties (“Arystone Properties”).
  8. All material on this Site, including, but not limited to, images, illustrations, audio clips, and video clips, is protected by copyrights, which are owned and controlled by Arystone Properties or other parties that have licensed their material to Arystone Properties (“Copyrights”).
  9. The materials on this Site may not be copied, re-produced, re-published, uploaded, displayed, transmitted, or distributed in any way. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any purpose is a violation of copyright and other proprietary rights.
  10. Linked Pages:
  11. This site may be linked to other sites on the Internet (“Linked Sites”).
  12. Although we examine all pages before linking them, the pages change regularly.
  13. The Linked Sites are only for the convenience of the USER, who contacts them at his own risk.
  14. The Site is not responsible for the content of any Linked Site, even if that site is affiliated with the Site.
  15. Applicable law and competent court:
  16. These Terms and Conditions of Use and the rules that complement them shall be governed by the Spanish Constitution.
  17. Use of the Site is expressly prohibited in any jurisdiction where the conditions set forth in these Terms and Conditions of Use do not apply.
  18. Any notice or other communication to be given under these Terms and Conditions of Use shall be in writing: (I) to info@arystonepr.com; (II) to the address provided by Arystone Properties.
  19. Persons using the Arystone Properties Site by their sole use shall accept as of right each and every provision of these Terms and Conditions of Use, without reservation.
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